TIMOTHY HSU Software Developer timothy@timothycodes.com https://github.com/MeatSim SKILLS * React ** * Redux * * JavaScript *** * React Router * * HTML ** * React Native * * CSS ** * TypeScript * * Python ** * Node.js * EXPERIENCE React * Used the Spotify API in an app that allows a user to search for tracks, create a playlist, and add it to the user's profile * Implemented a tic-tac-toe game that displays the next player, displays the winner, and allows going back to previous moves * Added a feature (most difficult out of 6) to display "Tie game" if there is a draw * Added a feature (second most difficult out of 6) to highlight the three squares that caused a win * Used React Router to display profiles based on search results JavaScript * Implemented an interactive Node.js terminal game that randomizes a field full of holes for the player to navigate through * Coded a JavaScript class that includes methods to encrypt and decrypt messages using shift cipher * Coded a factory function to create objects simulating organisms with methods to mutate, compare, evaluate, and mirror DNA strands HTML/CSS * Created a responsive club website with navigation bar, fonts, and images that respond to screen size based on media queries * Used Flexbox to create a company website with navigation bar, products section, and employee section that automatically change layout as the page shrinks Python * Used Tkinter with MVC pattern to implement Conway's Game of Life with random, glider gun, and draw options * Added a feature to make the board's edges wrap around to the other side * Implemented a word game where the player tries to form words from a hand of randomly dealt letters and is scored based on Scrabble letter values * Implemented a hangman game where the player tries to guess all the letters of a random word without reaching a set limit of wrong guesses CERTIFICATIONS * Codecademy Learn React Native Course * Codecademy Learn Intermediate JavaScript Course * Codecademy Building Interactive JavaScript Websites Course SERVICE * Answer questions in Codecademy Community Discord server's #full-stack-engineer channel * Contributed to open-source projects: * Redux- 1 pull request merged * Visual Studio Code Documentation- 3 pull requests merged * Destiny Item Manager- 1 pull request merged